Monday 15 November 2010


Under the sea, Under the sea.......
 The Seaweed is always Greener in some body elses Lake...
 You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake.
 Just Look at the world around you...

Such wonderful things surround you...
 We got no troubles, life is the Bubbles! Under the sea....
 King Triton: 'you went up to the suface again didn't you? DIDN'T YOU?!!!'
 Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
 Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think i'm the girl....the girl who has....
Its a Dinglehopper!!just a little twirl here an' a yank there and - voiolay! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that humans go nuts over!
 Flotsam: Poor child, poor sweet child...she has a very serious problem
 Jetsam: If only there were something we could do.........
 Ursula has great powers..... (NO! shes a demon! she's a monster!)
Now, here's the deal. I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Got that? Three days. Now listen, this is important. Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear ol' princey to fall in love with you. That is, he's got to kiss you. Not just any kiss - the kiss of true love. If he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you'll remain human, permanently, but - if he doesn't, you turn back into a mermaid, and - you belong to me.
Ursula: I'm not asking much. Just a token, really, a trifle. You'll never even miss it. What I want from you is . . . your voice.
Ariel: My voice?
Ursula: You've got it, sweetcakes. No more talking, singing, zip.
Ariel: But without my voice, how can I -
Ursula: You'll have your looks! Your pretty face! And don't underestimate the importance of body language! Ha!
Sebastian: NOOOO ARIEL!!!

'The men up there don't like a lot of blabber
They think a girl who gossips is a bore
Yes, on land it's much preferred
For ladies not to say a word
And after all, dear, what is idle prattle for?
Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation
True gentlemen avoid it when they can
But they dote and swoon and fawn
On a lady who's withdrawn
It's she who holds her tongue who gets her man'

Scuttle: Well, look at what the catfish dragged in! Look at ya! Look at ya! There's something different. Don't tell me - I got it. It's your hairdo, right? You've been using the dinglehopper, right? No? No huh, well let me see. New . . . seashells? No new seashells. I gotta admit I can't put my foot on it right now, but if I just stand here long enough I know that I'll -
Sebastian: SHE'S GOT LEGS, YOU IDIOT! She traded her voice to the sea witch and got legs. Jeez, man . . .

Scuttle: Now, Ariel, I'm tellin' ya, if you wanna be a human the first thing you gotta do is dress like one. Now lemme see....

Scuttle: (Whistles.) Ya look great kid. Ya look - sensational.

p.s Listening To: 'Swim' by Oh No Ono


  1. Love the collaboration...Fashion AND The Little Mermaid...just a few of my favourite things...
    Images are beautiful...excited for more x

  2. LOVE IT!!!! cant wait to keep stalking it!! hahah xxxxxx
